Southside Village Life | Healthy Living | June 2020

How many times have you heard the statement, “we are in uncertain and unprecedented times” over the past few weeks? Just that statement alone can evoke either excitement or anxiety. Under the current circumstance, I suspect this statement tends to evoke anxiety in most of us. Uncertainty is the breeding grounds for anxiety. Being able to both control our environment and predict present and future threats is a both a gift and a curse. One thing that seems certain, we as a community, country, and world are all struggling with the same threat-an uncontrolled looming, lurking virus.

Day to day life has been impacted, our normal daily functioning altered in profound ways. No one is immune to the effects of this threat. The most extreme threat is that of death. Of course, there are other competing threats like job loss, financial instability, scarcity of food, running out of toilet paper…the list goes on. These constant threats can cause our bodies to activate the “Stress Response.”

The activation of the stress response supports our survival. It is meant to be intense since it needs to ensure our survival. This survival mechanism impacts the entire body including:  the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, endocrine system, gastrointestinal system and the nervous systems-which is  the communications super highway, informing all organs and body functions to activate into action in order to escape and protect the body from danger. This stress response is meant for short term action not long-term management. Chronic stress can affect the whole body leading to physical conditions and other mental health symptoms like depression and anxiety.

Thankfully over the last 30 years, we have researched some effective interventions and treatments to counter the stress response and improve the bodies physical and mental health. Below are some of the most researched interventions that are  available to all of us limited to our apartments, houses and neighborhoods.

Exercise-jogging, walking, swimming, gardening, dancing are all aerobic exercises that have been proved to reduce anxiety and depression. Exercise can improve mood, self esteem and cognitive functioning.

Yoga-ability to decrease physiological arousal, reduces muscle tension, reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, ease respiration.

Mindfulness Meditation-increases the ability to be present and decrease worry, improves focus and concentration.

Diaphramatic Breathing (Belly Breathing)-encourages full oxygen exchange, slows heartrate and can lower blood pressure, activates the vagus nerve and initiates the relaxation response.


There are so many great resources online to help encourage, explain and guide these exercises. Try 5-10 minutes a day of 1 or more of these activities. This is a great time to focus on self-care and stimulate new interests and habits! There are some many variables in our lives we cannot control, shift your focus on to those variables you can control.

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